jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2009

My immortal

Es hora de hablarles de una de mis canciones favoritas My immortal de Evanescence.
La letra y la música son simplemente geniales y bueno ni que decir de la voz de mi gran ídolo Amy Lee, sólo ella puede lograr transmitir todas las emociones que la canción envuelve.
Hay algo que me tiene decepcionada, y es que esta canción era P-E-R-F-E-C-T-A para ser parte del soundtrack de New Moon y lamentablemente no lo es. 
(Por cierto, estoy feliz veré la pelí mañana y te conoceré por fin Ani!! yeah!!)

Pero bueno les dejo la letra (la canción está en el playlist del blog):

I'm so tired of being here
Suppressed by all my childish fears
And if you have to leave
I wish that you would just leave
'Cause your presence still lingers here
And it won't leave me alone

These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have
All of me

You used to captivate me
By your resonating light
Now I'm bound by the life you left behind
Your face it haunts
My once pleasant dreams
Your voice it chased away
All the sanity in me

These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase


I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone
But though you're still with me
I've been alone all along


Me encantaría saber si les gusta o no la canción, qué significa para uds... en fin su opinión me es importante. =D

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